Transitland Version 2
What first started as two simple, separate, little experiments has grown into the seeds of a major revision of the entire Transitland platform: Transitland Version 2.
What first started as two simple, separate, little experiments has grown into the seeds of a major revision of the entire Transitland platform: Transitland Version 2.
Just like a garden, open-source and open-data projects require continual tending. With 2019 beginning, we're glad to share more widely these plans for Transitland's ongoing tending and growth as an open platform.
Interline and HERE are collaborating to make Interline's open data services like OSM Extracts and the Transitland API easy to combine, mix, filter, analyze, and visualize using the new HERE XYZ platform.
GeoJSON Lines (geojsonl) is a simple, newline-delimited variant of GeoJSON that allows large datasets to be loaded with a much lower memory footprint and easily integrate with traditional text-based tools. Interline OSM Extracts now provides geojsonl, along with a small but growing number of tools.
We've encountered many practices that can help complex and collaborative open-source projects survive and thrive. This blog post provides a tour through many open-source practices, particularly ones that are helpful for aging but popular software packages like OpenTripPlanner.
Interline now offers OSM Extracts, a service enabling software developers and GIS professionals to download chunks of OpenStreetMap data for