All transit stop across the United States


Our most commonly requested bulk export from the Transitland platform is a dataset of all transit stops across the United States. This export includes information about the stop/station location itself, as well as the routes that serve that stop. Routes include bus (), train (), subway/metro (), ferry (), and cable car (). Also included in the export is information about the transit agency that operates each route that serves the given stop/station location.

animated map of stop points across the continental United States, Hawaii, and Alaska

Data from Transitland

Each export includes:

  • over 610,000 transit stop locations
  • includes stops for buses, trains, subways/metros, ferries, and cable cars
  • focused on public transit agencies; also including privately operated shuttles open to the public
  • updated on a daily basis
  • Transitland Terms provides clear and consistent licensing and attribution

Use cases

Interline’s clients use our standardized US transit stops data product for a wide range of purposes:

real-estate analytics

navigation applications

healthcare access

Data sample

Download a sample to explore in your own software. This sample includes 100 stops randomly selected from across the United States. The full set of columns are included for each.

Please note that this sample may only be used to evaluate this service before purchasing a subscription.

Data dictionary

Here is an overview of the columns provided in the CSV sample.

Columns about the feed from which the stop was sourced:

  • feed_id - Transitland’s Onestop ID for the source feed. For more information open<replace with feed_id>
  • feed_version_sha1 - identifies the feed version from which the stop was sourced
  • feed_version_fetched_at - datetime for when the feed version was fetched from the transit operator

Columns about the stop:

  • stop_onestop_id - Transitland’s ID for the stop location. If multiple agencies provide separate records for the same stop location, they will be merged together into a single Onestop ID, assuming lat/lon and name are very similar. For more information open<replace with stop_onestop_id​>
  • stop_id - transit operator’s ID for the stop
  • stop_name - name for the stop, provided by transit operator
  • stop_desc - optional description for the stop, provided by the transit operator
  • stop_lon - longitude coordinate for the stop location
  • stop_lat - latitude coordinate for the stop location

Between 1 and 5 agency and route combinations will be defined in a single stop row. At least 1 agency and route combination will serve the stop:

  • agency_id_1 - ID for the transit operator/agency providing service to the stop
  • agency_name_1 - name of the transit operator/agency providing service to the stop
  • route_id_1 - ID for the route providing service to the stop
  • route_short_name_1 - short name for the route providing service to the stop
  • route_long_name_1 - long name for the route providing service to the stop
  • route_type_1 - vehicle type of the route [* see below for a list of the different route vehicle types]

If additional agency and route combinations serve the same exact stop, additional columns will have values (using the same definitions as above):

  • agency_id_2
  • agency_name_2
  • route_id_2
  • route_short_name_2
  • route_long_name_2
  • route_type_2
  • agency_id_3
  • agency_name_3
  • route_id_3
  • route_short_name_3
  • route_long_name_3
  • route_type_3
  • agency_id_4
  • agency_name_4
  • route_id_4
  • route_short_name_4
  • route_long_name_4
  • route_type_4
  • agency_id_5
  • agency_name_5
  • route_id_5
  • route_short_name_5
  • route_long_name_5
  • route_type_5

Route types

These are the definitions for the enum integers provided in the route_type_1, route_type_2, route_type_3, route_type_4, and route_type_5 columns.

Defined by the GTFS static specification:

  • 0 - Tram, Streetcar, Light rail. Any light rail or street level system within a metropolitan area.
  • 1 - Subway, Metro. Any underground rail system within a metropolitan area.
  • 2 - Rail. Used for intercity or long-distance travel.
  • 3 - Bus. Used for short- and long-distance bus routes.
  • 4 - Ferry. Used for short- and long-distance boat service.
  • 5 - Cable tram. Used for street-level rail cars where the cable runs beneath the vehicle, e.g., cable car in San Francisco.
  • 6 - Aerial lift, suspended cable car (e.g., gondola lift, aerial tramway). Cable transport where cabins, cars, gondolas or open chairs are suspended by means of one or more cables.
  • 7 - Funicular. Any rail system designed for steep inclines.
  • 11 - Trolleybus. Electric buses that draw power from overhead wires using poles.
  • 12 - Monorail. Railway in which the track consists of a single rail or a beam.

Pricing & Purchase

Single Download

$2,950 / download

  • Over 610,000 transit stops across the US
  • Standardized format (see above)
  • Convenient payment by credit card


Contact us for discounts

  • Update your stops data quarterly (4x a year), semi-annually (2x a year), monthly, or more frequently and receive a discount